

你可以做一个礼物 通过信用卡上网 或通过 电子支票.



If you’d like to send a gift through mail, please mail your check to HMC ADVANCEMENT, P.O. 洛杉矶840600号信箱,邮编90084-0600.

如果你是通过快递公司的隔夜快递送礼物, 请使用锁箱服务840600,收件人:HMC advance, 艾尔蒙特市弗莱尔大道3440号, CA 91731.


问题? 电邮至 development@sd-adf.com 或拨打844.给.HMC (844.448.3462) and a member of our team will follow up in a timely manner.



For cash wire transfers, please contact Katrina Richardson at krichardson@sd-adf.com or 909.607.3167.



捐助者建议基金(DAF), 就像慈善储蓄账户一样, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to an organization. 访问 捐助者建议基金 to learn more about these charitable savings accounts or to log into your account and recommend a grant.

When you make a 捐助者建议基金 gift to Harvey Mudd College, it is possible that the sponsoring organization will not share your information with us. 请寄个便条给我们 advancement_services@sd-adf.com 或透过电邮联络我们 844.448.3462 when you have made a gift so we can thank you and ensure that your gift is recorded correctly.


如果你是70岁半或以上, you may donate directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) for tax benefits and higher charitable impact, 又快又容易. The popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, 简称QCD. 让我们的便捷工具帮助您在 IRA慈善展期.

When you make a qualified charitable distribution gift to Harvey Mudd College, it is likely that your financial institution will not share your information with us (we often receive QCD checks that do not include the donor name). 请寄个便条给我们 advancement_services@sd-adf.com 或透过电邮联络我们 844.448.3462 when you have made a gift so we can thank you and ensure that your gift is recorded correctly. 请注明金额, the name of the financial institution that is sending your QCD, 以及你想把礼物放在哪里.


给 stock that has appreciated and you have held for at least one year can be one of the smartest ways to make a gift. You not only obtain a deduction for the full-fair market value of the stock (typically calculated as the average of the high and the low on the day the stock leaves your control), 你还可以避免为资本收益纳税.

(股票已贬值), selling the stock and contributing the proceeds may be more advisable, 特别是如果你可以用损失来抵消其他收益.)

The objective is to transfer the shares to Harvey Mudd College rather than sell the shares and forward us the proceeds. The transfer process varies slightly depending on whether or not the stock certificates are in your possession.

To initiate a transfer of stock and/or mutual funds to HMC, please contact advancement_services@sd-adf.com 并包括以下内容:

  • 您的姓名及与HMC的关系(校友、家长、受托人等).)
  • 你正在转让的股票的名称和股票代码
  • 您正在转让的股份数量
  • The intended designation or purpose of your gift (for example, 不受限制的, 金融援助, 总统太阳2平台计划, 一般养老, 等.)
  • 还有其他说明吗?

Please note that stock gifts may take 3–4 business days to transfer. HMC收到共同基金的平均时间为3-4周.


考虑给哈维·马德送点不动产吧. Such a generous gift helps us continue our work for years to come. 房地产的礼物也会对你有所帮助. When you give usappreciated propertyyou have held longer than one year, 你有资格获得联邦所得税慈善扣除. 这就消除了资本利得税. And you no longer have to deal with that property’s maintenance costs, property taxes or insurance.

Another benefit: You don’t have to hassle with selling the real e状态. You can deed the property directly to Harvey Mudd or ask your attorney to add a few sentences in your will or trust agreement.

欲知详情,请浏览 房地产.


One of the simplest ways for you to make a future contribution to Harvey Mudd College is through your will. It is never too late or too early to plan for the people and causes you care about.

如果你已经把太阳2平台写进你的遗嘱, please let us know so that we may say thank you and demonstrate today the future impact you will be making in the community. 只需填写我们的 意向书(PDF) 表格和电子邮件到 plannedgiving@sd-adf.com 还有任何我们能帮忙回答的问题.

有关房地产礼品的额外资源, 终身收入赠予, 和更多的, please contact our office to speak with a representative or visit our 计划给 网站.


In addition to gifts and pledges of cash or other appreciated assets, there may be opportunities to contribute in-kind gifts to the college, such as a piece of research or machining equipment directly helpful to the college’s mission of hands-on education and research.

All in-kind gifts must be given unconditionally and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The College does not generally accept gifts of art or vehicles, and gifts of property valued at more than $5000 must be supported by a formal appraisal to qualify for a tax deduction. Harvey Mudd不提供此类评估,也不支付此类评估费用.

Corporations interested in contributing scientific research or engineering equipment should contact Jennifer Lidar, 公司关系总监 jlidar@sd-adf.com or 909.607.7015.

个人可以联系Katrina Richardson krichardson@sd-adf.com or 909.607.3167.


You may make an even greater impact with your gift to Harvey Mudd College by taking advantage of your employer’s matching gift program. Through these programs, gifts to the College can be doubled or even tripled. 请给学校做一件礼物, and then take the next steps to increase your giving power through your corporation’s matching gift program.



  1. Use the search feature above to see if your company has an eligible matching gift program. 如果你的公司符合条件, you will be linked directly to instructions about how to complete the process. Note that more 和更多的 companies manage their gift matching electronically and will request submission from a directed web page.
  2. 如果你找不到你的雇主, ask your human resources office about gift matching protocol at your company.

Thank you supporting future generations of Harvey Mudd College students!

如欲了解更多企业配对信息,请与我们联系 advancement_services@sd-adf.com or 909.607.3165.


Harvey Mudd employees can make their gift through payroll deductions. 请填写 雇员礼品工资扣款表格(PDF) 并以电子方式返回 advancement_services@sd-adf.com. 如有疑问,请联系Katrina Richardson krichardson@sd-adf.com.


如果您有问题,请拨打844.给.HMC (844.448.3462) or 909.621.8979.